Friday, December 7, 2007

B-Legit Interview From

B-Legit talks about his new album, the current state of hip hop, and the current state of Bay Area hip hop.

Here what he said about the hyphy movement..

M: Where do you see the hyphy movement going now that it's been officially put on the map on a nationwide basis?

B: Technically, I don't know, on this end of the ballpark, movements come and go. Hyphy has already reached its peak, as far as I'm concerned being that the Bay Area is not one-dimensional. If you check out The Federation's new single that they did, they were the ones who made they song "Hyphy." They got the song with Snoop on the radio right now. What we don't wanna get into is "Bay Area = Hyphy." I mean, anytime you think of the Bay you think Hyphy but we're way more diverse than that, we're not one-dimensional. Hyphy is there but when hip hop first opened its gates and the majors came, they signed Too Short and Spice 1, many different acts. And they were all different styles of music, it wasn't focused on Hyphy or the labels. It was very diverse. We need to get back to being diverse. If a ship goes down, your whole team goes down.

Read the entire interview here

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