Thursday, March 15, 2007

February 2007- Bay Area Hip Hop Month In Review

Not too much action this month. Capitol is starting to push Clyde Carson's "2 step", about 20 radio stations added it to rotation in the past 2 weeks. Video is supposed to be shot sometime soon. His street single, "Hood Stomped Out" got a video, you can find it on youtube. This is one of those videos thats not made for TV.

I found out that Mistah Fab's major album isn't coming out till August or something, but luckily he has a great deal where he is still able to release independant albums. He's going to have one out in Maycalled "The Baydestrian." Atlantic isn't pushing "Ghost Ride It" at all on the radio, maybe that's a song for buzz and not an official first single, or maybe they'll wait till later to push it since the album wont be out for so long.

Just like in January, there was only one Bay Area album I checked out, and that was the Messy Marv, PSD, Keak Da Sneak group album called "Da Bidness". It had a few slaps, but overall it was pretty average. It got 3.5 mics from the Source. Here are two of my favorite songs from it.


If She Know Me She Owe Me-

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