Monday, October 15, 2007

SF Anthem (producted by Traxamillion)

"Done Deal CEO" posted this on the forum...

" its Produced By Traxamillion! FIRE Quinn, B.Banga & San Quinn its the clean version w. the singing there is a street version and there will be a video if the song does what we want and we can get the sample cleared! This song is uniting the city as we speak and killin some bullshit! And we want the whole bay to support and be proud of the song it the SF Bay Area, I knocked the fuck outta FAB's "NEW OAKLAND" cuz it slapped period and everybody get tp talk about where they from, examples Im from New York, jarule, Busta's Im on My new York shit!, Welcome to Atlanta!, Noliaclap! etc etc i could go on for hours support your own and be proud you from the yay! no matter what City! And i even made it downlaodable this needs to be on everyone myspace!"

This beat and sample are so sick...

Bonus Track....On of the hardest songs outta the Bay in recent years.
Ya Boy, Messy Marv, San Quinn- Go There With Me (Remix)

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